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doc icon DUGiDocs 1 setembre 2009 Effects of low concentrations of the phenylurea herbicide diuron on biofilm algae and bacteria Ricart Viladomat, Marta ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Geiszinger, Anita ; Guasch i Padró, Helena ; López de Alda, Miren ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Vidal, Gemma ; Villagrasa, Marta ; Sabater, Sergi
out url icon Recercat Effects of pesticides and pharmaceuticals on biofilms in a highly impacted river Proia, Lorenzo ; Osorio, Victoria ; Soley, S. ; Köck-Schulmeyer, Marianne ; Pérez, S. ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Sabater, Sergi
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Effects of pesticides and pharmaceuticals on biofilms in a highly impacted river Proia, Lorenzo ; Osorio, Victoria ; Soley Prieto, Susanna ; Köck-Schulmeyer, Marianne ; Pérez, Sandra ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Sabater, Sergi
out url icon Recercat Emission factor estimation of ca. 160 emerging organic microcontaminants by inverse modeling in a Mediterranean river basin (Llobregat, NE Spain) Banjac, Zoran ; Ginebreda, Antoni ; Kuzmanović, Maja ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Nadal, Martí ; Riera, Josep M. ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Emission factor estimation of ca. 160 emerging organic microcontaminants by inverse modeling in a Mediterranean river basin (Llobregat, NE Spain) Banjac, Zoran ; Ginebreda, Antoni ; Kuzmanović, Maja ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Nadal, Martí ; Riera, Josep M. ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juliol 2015 Emission factor estimation of ca. 160 emerging organic microcontaminants by inverse modeling in a Mediterranean river basin (Llobregat, NE Spain) Banjac, Zoran ; Ginebreda, Antoni ; Kuzmanović, Maja ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Nadal, Martí ; Riera, Josep M. ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Enantiomeric-selective determination of pyrethroids: application to human samples Corcellas, Cayo ; Eljarrat, Ethel ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
doc icon DUGiDocs 11 juny 2014 Enantiomeric-selective determination of pyrethroids: application to human samples Corcellas, Cayo ; Eljarrat, Ethel ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Environmental contaminants of emerging concern in seafood - European database on contaminant levels Vandermeersch, Griet ; Lourenço, Helena Maria ; Álvarez-Muñoz, Diana ; Cunha, Sara ; Diogène, Jorge ; Cano-Sancho, German ; Sloth, Jens J. ; Kwadijk, Christiaan ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Allegaert, Wim ; Bekaert, Karen ; Fernandes, José Oliveira ; Marques, Antonio ; Robbens, Johan
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 novembre 2015 Environmental contaminants of emerging concern in seafood - European database on contaminant levels Vandermeersch, Griet ; Lourenço, Helena Maria ; Álvarez Muñoz, Diana ; Cunha, Sara ; Diogène, Jorge ; Cano Sancho, German ; Sloth, Jens J. ; Kwadijk, Christiaan ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Allegaert, Wim ; Bekaert, Karen ; Fernandes, José Oliveira ; Marques, Antonio ; Robbens, Johan
out url icon Recercat Fate of NDMA precursors through an MBR-NF pilot plant for urban wastewater reclamation and the effect of changing aeration conditions Mamo, Julian ; Insa Aguilar, Sara ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Farré, Maria José
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 octubre 2016 Fate of NDMA precursors through an MBR-NF pilot plant for urban wastewater reclamation and the effect of changing aeration conditions Mamo, Julian ; Insa Aguilar, Sara ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Farré, Maria José
out url icon Recercat First report of pyrethroid bioaccumulation in wild river fish: A case study in Iberian river basins (Spain) Corcellas, Cayo ; Eljarrat, Ethel ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 febrer 2015 First report of pyrethroid bioaccumulation in wild river fish: A case study in Iberian river basins (Spain) Corcellas, Cayo ; Eljarrat, Ethel ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
doc icon DUGiDocs Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
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